
Profitable and realistic online business ideas

Starting an online business from the comfort of your home is easier than ever.

You need very few resources to get an idea off the ground.

You could start a side hustle to generate extra income while you continue studying or if your daily responsibilities don’t allow you to work in a traditional job.

You may even want to create an tencon2022.org online business as a hobby because your current job doesn’t fulfill your passion.

Or simply because you’re retired and you still want to stay active.

An online business can be your main source of income or complement income from elsewhere.

That’s the beauty of online entrepreneurship.

It offers a vast range of possibilities so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

To help with that we’ll be sharing 13 realistic online business ideas that you can start working on today!

If you can work from home, you can work from Rome! 13 realistic online business ideas to work from anywhere

The 4

main benefits of online businesses

You’ll see that there are many different types of online businesses, each with its own pros and cons.

But by working online there are four keys that always remain consistent.

  1. You’ll reach a wider customer base.
  2. You can start with a very low investment.
  3. You’ll have more flexibility.
  4. You’ll be able to adapt quickly to changes.

The type of business may change but those benefits will always remain the same.

You’ll reach a wider customer base

Working online means that you’re not limited to finding clients locally anymore.

Your customers can find you globally from anywhere in the world.

And providing them value is equally effortless, since you can virtually connect with them or deliver any digital product automatically.

Online businesses are very cost-effective

The barrier to entry of online businesses is very low. This means you can start generating income with a very small investment.

Sometimes all you need is a computer, a couple of free apps and an internet connection.

The fact that you can automate some processes and reach a larger audience, makes online businesses very efficient.

Some ideas such as launching an eCommerce store to sell physical products may require more investment.

Our eCommerce platform SureCart has a free plan but you’ll need to invest in stock, storage and other essentials.

More flexibility

Flexibility doesn’t just mean not commuting to the office and working from the comfort of your home in pajamas.

Although that’s a benefit you might enjoy.

It means you can work from the location that brings you the best work-life balance or where you feel more productive or comfortable.

This flexibility is place and time-based as you can also adapt your working hours to the schedule that suits you best.

Better responsiveness

Adapt or die.

Online businesses allow you to gather and analyze more information easily.

You can make quick and affordable changes to test new ideas and make data-driven improvements in your offer and products.

Want to know which color, offer or call to action converts best when promoting your service?

Create an A/B test with CartFlows, start collecting data automatically and pick the winner with just one click.

Online business ideas you can start today

Don’t know how to take advantage of your skills, time or available budget?

Here are some online business ideas that could provide more financial independence and a more flexible lifestyle.


We have done our best to categorize these ideas as much as possible, but many of them resemble each other. We’re not repeating ourselves for the sake of it, there is a method here, we promise!

Idea 1. Online consulting (sell your time and expertise)

In an online consulting business you would offer your time to share the knowledge and experience you’ve gained in exchange for payment.

This way your clients will get better results faster, since they will avoid making mistakes and won’t have to go through the learning process that you have already gone through.

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